Primary Bone cancers arise from the bones of the body. They may be benign or malignant bone cancer. Benign tumors do not spread to the body while malignant bone tumors have tendency to spread in the other organs of the body. These are also known as bone sarcomas. The cause of bone cancer isn’t exactly known, but there are certain factors that may contribute to or increase a person’s chances of forming abnormal growths in the bone.
Abnormal Cellular Growth, Sporadic mutations, germ cell, inheriting a faulty gene are some theories describe the developing bone tumors.
        Risk factors for bone cancer:
·         Having a family history of cancer, especially bone cancer.
·         Having received radiation treatment or chemotherapy in the past.
·         Having Paget’s disease, hereditary multiple exostoses, multiple enchondromas etc.
·         An injury followed by bone or soft tissue cancer may confuse but, there isn’t clear evidence that       injury to a bone can cause bone cancer.
        Symptoms of bone cancer are:
·         Unexplained pain and swelling in the affected limbs and joints
·         Palpable hard or soft mass with or without pain in affected limbs, back, groin.
·         feeling tired or fatigued, weight loss
·         fever, bone pain, warm, tender limb
·         easily broken bones (fractures occurs without major injuries)
·         Swelling or pain persist after injuries

There are many methods to diagnose this cancer & its stage. Biopsy is key diagnostic tool for bone cancers, this is not only important to diagnosis the disease but perform a good biopsy also important to give best surgical result.
Bone scan, Xray, CT scan, MRI, PETCT Scan, blood investigations are important tool to determine the stage of tumor. Treatment depends on the stage of cancer, age, size and location of the tumor.

Dr Praveen Gupta
Orthopedic Oncologist


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