
Tips to Decrease Your Cancer Risk

OVERWEIGHT & CANCER RISK  Being overweight means your body has more fat compared to other tissue, such as muscle and bone. Too much extra weight raises your risk of certain types of cancer, as well as your risk for cancer coming back after treatment. Talking about your weight with your doctor is important, but that can be hard for some people. Some people feel ashamed about their weight. Some people have even experienced discrimination because of their weight. It can also feel overwhelming to change your behaviors, like what and how much you eat and how much you exercise. But even small, simple changes can have a big impact on your health. The following types of cancer have been linked to being overweight or obese: Breast cancer Prostate cancer Uterine cancer Head & neck cancer Pancreatic cancer Thyroid cancer Gallbladder cancer Colorectal cancer One of the most important things you can do to decrease your cancer risk is to maintain a healthy weight. Stay active. Aim for 15...

Who Should Refrain From Taking the COVID-19 Vaccine

Who Should Refrain From Taking the  COVID-19 Vaccine The rollout of the Covid vaccine has started in the country, but fear and confusion still persists in the minds of people. Cancer affected patients also have a lot many questions about the vaccine. Cancer experts reached to the conclusion that patients suffering from blood cancer and various other types of cancer have to keep special precautions and care in order to take the vaccine. Dr. Ajay Bapna, Senior Cancer Disease Specialist at Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital and Research Centre (BMCHRC) , said that according to the current information available of the Covid Vaccine (Covishield), this vaccine is safe for cancer patients. Dr. Bapna said that according to the current guidelines of NCCN, patients who are undergoing the treatment for blood cancer should not get the vaccine if the blood count of is low. Also, patients whose bone marrow transplant is in process, should not take this vaccine for the period of three months starti...

कैंसर रोगियों सेवार्थ "आरोग्य धाम" की हुई शुरुआत

 कैंसर रोगियों सेवार्थ "आरोग्य धाम" की हुई शुरुआत भगवान महावीर कैंसर चिकित्सालय एवं अनुसंधान केंद्र में शुक्रवार को आरोग्य धाम का उद्घाटन किया गया।  कैंसर केयर महिला प्रकोष्ठ की ओर से संचालित इस धाम में गरीब कैंसर रोगियों हेतु उपचार के दौरान ठहरने की निःशुल्क व्यवस्था की सुविधा दी जाएगी। आरोग्य धाम का उद्घाटन चिकित्सालय के अध्यक्ष श्री न वरतन कोठारी, प्रबंधन्यासी श्री विमलचंद सुराणा, वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्षा श्रीमती अनिला कोठारी ने किया।  कोविड संक्रमण के बचाव के नियमों को ध्यान में रखकर आयोजित इस कार्यक्रम में चुनिन्दा लोगों को ही शामिल किया गया। इस मौके पर चिकित्सालय के अध्यक्ष श्री नवरतन कोठारी ने बताया कि चिकित्सालय का उद्देश्य है कि कोई भी गरीब व्यक्ति पैसों के अभाव में उपचार से वचिंत ना रहे। इसके लिए चिकित्सालय की ओर से आर्थिक रूप से कमजोर रोगियों को निःशुल्क उपचार उपलब्ध कराया जा रहा है। वरिष्ठ उपाध्यक्षा अनिला कोठारी ने बताया कि आरोग्य धाम में इन रोगियों को उपचार के दौरान ठहरने की निःशुल्क व्यवस्था उपलब्ध कराई जाएगी। सौ लोगों की आवास सुविधाएं वाले इस धाम में सभी आधारभूत ...


 DONATE A LIFE : 113 CHILDREN ARE CANCER FREE.  With an objective of gifting a complete happy life with holistic health and wellness, this programme has been initiated by Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital and Research Centre to extend free treatment for the treatable blood cancers [Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Low Risk (ALL), Acute Promylocytic Leukemia (APML), Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (HL)] in the children aged between 1 and 14. This project started in August 2014 & anticipated expenditure per patient is Rs 5 lacs. 158 Children received free treatment including medicines  (worth Rs 4,66,31,115/-) till September, 2020.   Now 116 children are receiving treatment and of which 113 are Cancer Free. 

Does the COVID-19 virus remain alive and infectious in a dead body?

 Does the COVID-19 virus remain alive and infectious in a dead body? Covid-19 virus, like any other virus, lives and can remain live only inside a live cell. It depends on the functioning of live cell to live and replicate. The virus depends on the energy producing ATP of the cell by its mitochondria. The cell dies when it stops and so does the virus.  Once the infected cell is dead and its lysosomes have liberated the lytic enzymes inside the cell for autolysis, every thing inside the cell is digested. It is certain that all Covid-19 viruses inside the body cells will die with the death of the person. There is no question of these escaping the body. However, the viruses on the surface of the respiratory tract cells waiting of entry, will survive. But once the respiration stops, the nose is plugged with cotton plugs and the mouth is shut tight, the virus particles can not escape the dead body to be infectious. As regards the viruses that might be present of the surface of the ...

ख़्वाहिशें पूरी होने पर चेहरे पर आई मुस्कान

ख़्वाहिशें पूरी होने पर चेहरे पर आई मुस्कान   बच्चों के हाथों में उनकी पसंद के उपहार आते ही चेहरे पर मुस्कान और आंखों में खुशी नजर आ रही थी, मौका था भगवान महावीर कैंसर चिकित्सालय एवं अनुसंधान केंद्र में आयोजित उपहार वितरण कार्यक्रम  का। कार्यक्रम में बैनारा उद्योग लिमिटेड के विभू जैन बैनारा जी की ओर से लगभग 40 कैंसर पीड़ित बच्चों को उनके मनचाहा उपहार देकर उनके चेहरों पर मुस्कराहट लाई गई। सोशल डिस्टेंसिंग की पालना करते हुए ड्रीम्ज़ फाउंडेशन के तहत आयोजित कार्यक्रम का उद्देश्य कैंसर बीमारी से पीड़ित बाल रोगियों के चेहरों पर खुशी लाना और उपहार देकर उनके हौसलों को बढ़ाना है। इस मौके पर बच्चों को साईकिल, रिमोट कंट्रोल टॉय, वाटर फिल्टर देकर उनकी इच्छाओं को पूरा किया गया। विभू जैन बैनारा जी ने कहा कि कैंसर की बीमारी में रोगी को जिस दर्द और तकलीफ से गुजरना पड़ता है, वह मैंने अपने परिवार में देखा है। इन बच्चों के माता-पिता को मैं यह कहना चाहता हूं कि बीमारी का उपचार लेने के साथ ही डॉक्टर पर भरोसा रखें, आपका बच्चा कैंसर की जंग जरूर जीतेगा।  इस मौके पर चिकित्सालय ...


TWO YEAR OLD BOY SET AN EXAMPLE FOR THOSE WHO ARE FIGHTING AGAINST CANCER Javed Ali, a two-year-old, is a real fighter, who, along with his father Mohammad Zakir has set an example for all those who are fighting against this life threatening disease cancer. Javed while still learning to walk, started encountering health issues like regular fever, bleeding from teeth and mouth, red blotches on skin and more. Zakir who is just a poor laborer took his son to Lucknow Hospital for treatment. Few investigations were conducted and Javed was diagnosed with Acute lymphoblastic leukemia, a type of blood cancer. Zakir’s financial condition was not good enough to get his son treated so he borrowed some funds from his relative & friends and went to AIIMS hospital in Delhi. It was when Zakir was struggling to manage the funds for living and getting his son treated in an expensive city like Delhi, somebody told him about Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital & Research Centre in Jaipur....